The completion of the first phase of Mountain Gateway Community College’s Wilson Workforce Center in Buena Vista, which will provide training for several “hard” trades, was celebrated Tuesday morning with a ribbon-cutting ceremony, hosted by the Lexington-Rockbridge Chamber of Commerce and the city of Buena Vista.
The $5.5 million project, located in a total of two consecutive buildings on the 2000 block of Forest Ave., will eventually house a new manufacturing and workforce training center, and expand the college’s capacity to deliver in-demand training and award industry credentials in a number of in-demand areas, such as welding, plumbing, building trades, electrical, and HVAC.
Classes in the newly renovated building, located in the former McCormick building at 2045 Forest Ave., begin Monday.
MGCC President Dr. Rainone noted that while MGCC (formerly Dabney S. Lancaster Community College) has had a presence in the Rockbridge / Lexington / Buena Vista area for 25 years with the MGCC Rockbridge Regional Center, there is a critical need for training in skilled trades.
He said that the opening of this first phase of the project was jump-started with a grant from United Way of Rockbridge County. He also thanked Skip Ramsey, Southern Inn and the city of Buena Vista for their partnership in making it possible.
A last-minute surprise was a very welcome $10,000 contribution by the Odd Fellows Lodge #58, with member Tony McFaddin, who also serves on the MGCC Local Board, presenting the check to Dr. Rainone. Almost $4.9 million has been raised so far; the biggest portion was a $3 million grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration.
Dr. Rainone especially recognized two individuals who have donated approximately 2,000 personal hours in assisting with the renovation project: Billy Ould of Buena Vista, the AV specialist at MGCC and Greg Watkins, a Rockbridge area resident who also volunteered his time and skills.
Dr. Rainone also credited David Shofstahl, MGCC Apprenticeship Coordinator, and Gary Keener, who recently retired as MGCC Vice President of Workforce Solutions after more than 40 years of service with the College, for their time and leadership on the project.
Dr. Rainone said that the total renovation project, including the former Courtesy Motors building next door, should be completed by January, 2025.
The new workforce training center is named after Buena Vista native and Washington & Lee graduate Joe Wilson, who made the purchase of the building possible. Wilson, a retired businessman who resides in Fredericksburg, has been very supportive of the Virginia Community College System for many years.
Dr. Rainone noted that the new Wilson Center will not supplant or replace any of the workforce programs offered on the main campus in Clifton Forge.
The CTE (Career and Technical Education) programs to be scheduled at the new Wilson Center will include heavy trades such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), electrical and plumbing, diesel mechanic, machine tool, welding, building trades and Commercial Driver’s License (CDL.) All of the training falls under the FastForward program, which offers tuition assistance for Virginia residents to train for in-demand jobs.
“We have a service area of 18,000 square miles,” said Dr. Rainone. “I am so pleased that we will be able to offer this training in the trades to such a large portion of our service area, namely the cities of Buena Vista and Lexington and Rockbridge County.”
The entire project has been a collaborative effort, with input from the Lexington-Rockbridge Chamber of Commerce, the Shenandoah Valley Partnership and the Shenandoah Valley Workforce Development Board, the cities of Lexington and Buena Vista, Rockbridge County, and several local employers, among others. Dr. Rainone said they all expressed a need for a trained labor force.
“The Wilson Workforce Center will expand the College’s capacity to deliver in-demand training and award industry credentials in a number of in-demand areas,” said Dr. Rainone.
For more information, or to make a donation toward the completion of the project, contact Dr. Rainone at jrainone@mgcc.edu or (540) 863-2827.